Gastric Sleeve

Royal Cure

What Is Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery?

Are you considering gastric sleeve surgery because you’ve tried diets and exercise for years and still have a lot of weight to lose? You’ll want to know the risks and benefits, what makes someone a good candidate for the operation, and what long-term commitments you need to make to keep the results.

In this operation, surgeons remove part of your stomach and join the remaining portions together to make a new banana-sized stomach or “sleeve.” With just a small sack (about 1/10th the size of your original stomach), you’ll feel full a lot quicker than you did before. You won’t be able to eat as much as you used to, which helps you lose weight. Plus, the surgery removes the part of your stomach that makes a hormone that boosts your appetite.

What Happens

Are you considering gastric sleeve surgery because you’ve tried diets and exercise for years and still have a lot of weight to lose? You’ll want to know the risks and benefits, what makes someone a good candidate for the operation, and what long-term commitments you need to make to keep the results.

In this operation, surgeons remove part of your stomach and join the remaining portions together to make a new banana-sized stomach or “sleeve.” With just a small sack (about 1/10th the size of your original stomach), you’ll feel full a lot quicker than you did before. You won’t be able to eat as much as you used to, which helps you lose weight. Plus, the surgery removes the part of your stomach that makes a hormone that boosts your appetite.

You might be in the hospital about 2 or 3 days. The procedure is permanent.

Weight Loss

People generally lose 60% of their extra weight over 12 to 18 months. So if you are 100 pounds overweight, you’ll lose about 60 pounds, though some lose more and others less. Of course, exercising and eating right add to your weight loss.


Infection, bleeding, and in rare cases, a leak along the staple line are possible. Right after the surgery, you may have nausea, vomiting, or constipation.
Certain foods may not agree with you now. You may also develop nutrition problems after surgery, which is why you have to take vitamins and supplements for life. Your doctor will advise you on exactly what you need.